What software is currently installed on SeaWulf?

Installed Software on SeaWulf

Software on the SeaWulf cluster is made available through the module system and Anaconda package manager. You may view all software available by entering the following commands:

module avail

If you want a list of available software for specific modules you can use the grep commmand:

module avail | grep <software name>

You may view all software available through the loaded Anaconda environment by entering the following commands:

module load anaconda/2
conda list


module load anaconda/3
conda list

To see the names of the conda environments available, you can use

conda env list

After loading one of these environments, you can then check what packages are available under that environment with:

conda list

The following software, tools, and compilers (among many other which can be seen by entering the module avail command) are currently available and supported by the HPC team:

In addition applications can be installed in your home, scratch, or project directories.

Software installation requests can be made, with an established need, through our ticketing system.

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