Current Version
Three versions of python are currently available on Seawulf: a standard distribution of python 2.7, along with python 2, and python 3 managed through Anaconda.
Anaconda2 and Anaconda3 are installed on Seawulf. If your script requires python 2, run:
module load anaconda/2
If your script requires python 3 and does not use MPI, run:
module load anaconda/3
To ensure that you are executing the correct version, type which python to confirm that Anaconda2 or 3 is loaded:
which python /gpfs/software/Anaconda2/bin/python
You can also confirm that you are running the correct python version by typing python --version.
MPI with Python
Anaconda2 and Anaconda3 are used to manage packages. These versions come with many commonly used scientific computing libraries.
For multi-node programming in Python, mpi4py is installed. A python script must interface with this package to run across nodes. Example scripts can be found here, and in our examples folder:
To launch a Python job using Slurm that requires python 2, load the following modules:
module load slurm module load anaconda/2 module load mvapich2/gcc/64/2.2rc1
If your Python job requires python 3, load the following modules:
module load slurm module load mpi4py/3.0.3 module load mvapich2/gcc/64/2.2rc1
To run your script, use mpirun:
mpirun python