Using Mathematica

This KB Article References: High Performance Computing
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Researchers, Staff
Created: 03/03/2017 Last Updated: 05/15/2024


Mathematica is currently optimized to work in a single node with multiple cores. Mathematica can be used either interactively through a GUI or as in the standard batch submission fashion. To use Mathematica interactively, you must have an X11 server installed on your local machine. For more information, see our articles on logging in and X11 tunneling.

Interactive Mathematica

First, follow the instructions given in this article to enable X11 tunneling.  To use Mathematica interactively load the Slurm module and start an interactive session using whichever queue best suits your needs:

module load slurm
srun -N 1 -n 28 -t 1:00:00 -p short-28core --pty bash

After your interactive session begins, use the following commands to setup the Mathematica environment:

module load Mathematica/11.2.0

Then launch Mathematica and use as desired by typing Mathematica into the interactive shell:


Mathematica Batch Submission

A sample job submission script and Mathematica program are available in:
