Using MPFR on SeaWulf

The MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding. MPFR has continuously been supported by the INRIA and the current main authors come from the Caramba and AriC project-teams at Loria (Nancy, France) and LIP (Lyon, France) respectively; see more on the credit page. MPFR is based on the GMP multiple-precision library.

The main goal of MPFR is to provide a library for multiple-precision floating-point computation which is both efficient and has a well-defined semantics. It copies the good ideas from the ANSI/IEEE-754 standard for double-precision floating-point arithmetic (53-bit significand).

This KB Article References: High Performance Computing
This Information is Intended for: Guests, Instructors, Researchers, Staff
Created: 08/22/2017 Last Updated: 05/15/2024

Current Version

The current version of MPFR runnning on SeaWulf is 3.1.5.  Since MPFR is based on the GMP library, you will need to load the GMP module as well using these commands:

module load mpfr/3.1.5
module load gmp/6.1.2


Compiling with MPFR

When compiling a program with MPFR, you will have to link it with the MPFR and GMP libraries:

gcc -o my_prog my_prog.c -lmpfr -lgmp

An example PBS script for compiling with MPFR can be found at:


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