This KB Article References: High Performance Computing
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 03/07/2025
Last Updated: 03/07/2025
Introduction to NVIDIA HPC SDK on SeaWulf
The NVIDIA HPC SDK (NVHPC) is a comprehensive suite of compilers, libraries, and tools designed specifically for high-performance computing on NVIDIA GPU-accelerated systems. This toolkit provides optimized solutions for developing applications that can effectively leverage the computational power of NVIDIA GPUs in the SeaWulf computing environment.
NVHPC is built on NVIDIA's industry-leading compiler technology and includes support for C, C++, and Fortran programming languages. It offers specialized optimizations for GPU acceleration, parallel computing, and scientific computing, making it an essential tool for researchers and developers working on computationally intensive applications on GPU nodes in the SeaWulf cluster.
Available NVHPC Versions
SeaWulf currently provides the following NVHPC versions:
- nvidia/nvhpc/21.5 - Compatible with CUDA 11.x
- nvidia/nvhpc/21.7 - Compatible with CUDA 11.x
- nvidia/nvhpc/23.7 - Compatible with CUDA 11.x and 12.x
- nvidia/nvhpc/23.11 - Compatible with CUDA 12.x
- nvidia/nvhpc/24.11 - Latest version (recommended)
To load a specific NVHPC version, use the module command:
Note: There are also specialized versions of NVHPC with different MPI implementations or without MPI (nompi). Choose the appropriate module based on your parallel programming needs.
NVHPC Variants
In addition to the standard NVHPC modules, SeaWulf offers several specialized variants:
- nvidia/nvhpc-nompi - NVHPC without MPI support
- nvidia/nvhpc-hpcx - NVHPC with Mellanox HPC-X MPI
- nvidia/nvhpc-openmpi3 - NVHPC with OpenMPI 3.x
- nvidia/nvhpc-byo-compiler - "Bring Your Own Compiler" variant
- nvidia/nvhpc-hpcx-cuda11 - Specific for CUDA 11.x compatibility
- nvidia/nvhpc-hpcx-cuda12 - Specific for CUDA 12.x compatibility
Example usage:
Important: Ensure the NVHPC variant you choose is compatible with your CUDA requirements and parallel programming model.
NVHPC Compilers
The NVIDIA HPC SDK provides several compilers optimized for NVIDIA GPUs:
- C Compiler: nvc
- C++ Compiler: nvc++
- Fortran Compiler: nvfortran
Example usage:
GPU Acceleration with NVHPC
NVHPC provides multiple programming models for GPU acceleration:
- OpenACC: A directive-based approach for GPU programming
- CUDA: NVIDIA's parallel computing platform
- OpenMP: Standard API for parallel programming with GPU target support
- Standard Language Features: C++17 parallel algorithms, Fortran DO CONCURRENT
Example OpenACC compilation:
Example CUDA compilation:
Note: The -Minfo=accel
flag provides detailed information about the accelerator code generated by the compiler.
MPI Integration with NVHPC
For parallel programming with MPI, NVHPC provides compiler wrappers that automatically include the necessary MPI libraries and flags:
MPI Wrappers:
- mpicc: for C programs
- mpicxx / mpic++: for C++ programs
- mpifort: for Fortran programs
Example SLURM script with NVHPC and MPI:
#SBATCH --job-name=nvhpc_test
#SBATCH --output=nvhpc_test.out
#SBATCH -p a100
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:2
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
# Load necessary modules
module load nvidia/nvhpc-hpcx-cuda12/23.11
# Compile and run your code
mpicc -acc=gpu -Minfo=accel mpi_gpu_example.c -o mpi_gpu_example
mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS ./mpi_gpu_example
Optimization Tips for NVHPC
To maximize performance with NVHPC on GPU nodes in SeaWulf, consider the following optimization strategies:
- Basic Optimization Flags:
# High optimization level
nvc -O3 myprogram.c -o myprogram - GPU Targeting:
# Target specific GPU architecture
nvc -acc=gpu -gpu=cc80 myprogram.c -o myprogramNote: Common compute capability values include cc70 (Volta), cc75 (Turing), cc80 (Ampere), and cc90 (Hopper). Check your GPU architecture and use the appropriate value.
- Memory Usage Optimization:
# Managed memory model for simplicity
nvc -acc=gpu -gpu=managed myprogram.c -o myprogram - Profiling Support:
# Enable profiling with NVIDIA tools
nvc -acc=gpu -gpu=lineinfo myprogram.c -o myprogram - Math Library Optimization:
# Link with NVIDIA math libraries
nvc -acc=gpu myprogram.c -o myprogram -lcublas -lcufft
The NVIDIA HPC SDK includes several tools to help optimize and debug your GPU-accelerated applications:
- NVIDIA Nsight Systems: System-wide performance analysis tool
- NVIDIA Nsight Compute: Interactive kernel profiler
- NVIDIA Debugger (cuda-gdb): For debugging GPU applications
- NVTOP: Interactive GPU process monitor (available as separate modules: nvtop/3.0.1 and nvtop/3.1.0)
Example usage:
nvtop # Monitor GPU usage interactively
NVHPC Version Comparison
Feature | NVHPC 21.x | NVHPC 23.x | NVHPC 24.11 |
Primary CUDA Support | CUDA 11.x | CUDA 11.x, 12.x | CUDA 12.x |
GPU Architecture Support | Up to Ampere | Up to Hopper | Up to Hopper |
C++ Standard Support | C++17 | C++17/20 | C++20 |
Fortran Standard Support | Fortran 2003/2008 | Fortran 2008/2018 | Fortran 2018 |
Recommended for | Legacy code | General use | New projects, best performance |
Resources and Documentation
For detailed information on NVIDIA HPC SDK features, optimization techniques, and programming guides, refer to the following resources:
- NVIDIA HPC SDK Documentation
- NVIDIA HPC Compiler Documentation
- OpenACC Programming Guide
- CUDA Programming Resources
For SeaWulf-specific questions and support with NVIDIA HPC SDK, please contact the SeaWulf support team.