Box - Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs are divided into the following categories:

Box account access and use

How do I get a Stony Brook enterprise Box account?
To request access BOX simply use BOX requests website: Once you have been granted access to box:

  • Open a web browser, enter “” into the address bar and press “Enter”. Box has been configured to authenticate Stony Brook Medicine employees with the UHMC user name and password they use to log in to their workstations or access their e-mail.
  • You also might receive a collaboration invitation from an active Stony Brook Medicine enterprise Box user. Clicking on the link in the invitation will walk you through the account creation process that directs you to the Stony Brook enterprise Box environment to create your account with you UHMC username and password.

Non-Stony Brook Medicine employees will need to receive a collaboration invitation from a Stony Brook Medicine employee to access folders within the Stony Brook Medicine enterprise Box environment.

Will I need a separate username and password for my Stony Brook enterprise Box account?

  • Stony Brook Medicine employees: Box has been configured to authenticate Stony Brook Medicine employees with the UHMC user name and password they use to log in to their workstations.
  • Non-Stony Brook Medicine employees: If you don't already have a Box account, you'll need to set up a Box user name and password to access content within the Stony Brook enterprise Box environment should you receive a collaboration invitation.

What browser should I use to access my Stony Brook enterprise Box account
Box may be accessed via the following web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox 
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

Can I still use other cloud storage solutions like Dropbox and Google Docs?
Dropbox is prohibited within Stony Brook Medicine’s Enterprise. Google Docs can be used to share non sensitive information with employees on Stony Brook’s Main campus. If you are uploading or sharing confidential or restricted confidential data, including protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII), you should use your Stony Brook Medicine enterprise Box or OneDrive account. Box meets federal guidelines and Stony Brook Medicine compliance requirements, and Stony Brook Medicine has a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Box.

Can I have a personal Box account?
If you want a Box account for your personal use, you'll need to set up a Box account using your personal, non-Stony Brook Medicine email address. You may not store Stony Brook Medicine data or information on a personal Box account. Stony Brook Medicine does not provide funding or support for personal Box accounts.

What devices can I use to access Box?
All users of Stony Brook enterprise Box accounts may access Box content using up to 10 devices. This includes smartphones, tablet, or computer. Your access to confidential or restricted confidential data may warrant access to BOX by fewer types of devices. 

Box training and support

How do I get training for Box?

Get Started with Box in 4 Steps

  1. Step 1: Getting Started -
  2. Step 2: Upload Files -
  3. Step 3
    1. Share with Shared Links -
    2. Share by Inviting Collaborators to Folders-
    3. Step 4: Create & Edit Files with Box Edit -

Want to learn more?  Check out these "How To" Videos! -

Box User Video Tutorial Library -

Where can I get more technical support?
Please submit support requests to the Box Requests Website  

Data storage on Box

How much storage space is available on my Stony Brook enterprise Box account?
Storage space is unlimited. However, no single file upload may exceed 150GB.

What types of data can I store on my Stony Brook enterprise Box account?
Because Box meets our security and compliance standards, you can store all types of data on Box including Confidential and Restricted Confidential data, such as protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII). However, you must adhere to institutional policies regarding the dissemination and handling of such data within Box and requests to store Confidential and Restricted Confidential data is granted on a case by case basis.

What happens to personal data in my Stony Brook enterprise Box account if I leave the institution?
Storing personal data on any institutionally managed resource, including your Stony Brook enterprise Box account, violates institutional policy. Please set up a personal Box account, using your personal email address, to store personal data. You may not store Stony Brook data or information on a personal Box account. Stony Brook does not provide support for personal Box accounts.

What happens to research and non-personal data in my Stony Brook enterprise Box account if I leave the institution?
Standard administrative processes and institutional protocols, including a data inventory, are followed when an employee leaves Stony Brook Medicine. The data in your Box account is treated no differently than the data on your laptop, desktop or other institutionally owned device. Experts will work with you to determine which data may leave with you and which data must remain with Stony Brook. You will lose access to any documents in your Stony Brook  enterprise Box account and your collaborators will lose access to all documents that you initially uploaded.

What happens to the data in my Stony Brook enterprise Box account if Stony Brook cancels the contract with Box?  
Should Stony Brook cancel its contract with Box, all users would be informed and be provided the resources and time necessary to move their data to another resource.

Applications and security on Box

What applications are available to run on Box?
At this time, only Box Sync, Box Edit, Box for Office, and Box for Outlook have been approved by Information Security.

What about the other third-party applications (application not written internally by Box) shown on the Box website?
Each third-party application stores temporary copies of active files on the third-party vendor's servers. To satisfy federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements, a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) must be in place with each third-party vendor when our protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII) is stored on their servers. Because establishing a BAA can be a lengthy process, all requests for third-party applications are closely reviewed. If sufficient interest is expressed in a particular third-party application, Stony Brook Medicine will consider pursuing a BAA.

What about security and tracking access in case I suspect data is being tampered with?
All activity in Box is logged and can be accessed by an Enterprise Account administrator. In the event data are accidentally deleted, you have 90 days in which to request a restore.