How do I get remote troubleshooting on SeaWulf

Remote Assistance Procedure

For tricky issues, or problems caused by something unique to your user environment on SeaWulf, it may help for the HPC Support team to troubleshoot directly from your account. This article explains how to request remote support from us.

Please note: the following steps should only be followed after submitting a ticket and being requested to grant remote access by the HPC support team.

For hard-to-solve problems on the SeaWulf cluster, you can grant the HPC Support team remote access to troubleshoot the issue. This will give us access to a session with your login, allowing us to access your files, and test the issue with your specific environment. You will need the ticket number from an open support ticket. Please be sure to mention in the ticket that you have requested a remote support session.

On SeaWulf, run the following commands:

module load remote-assistance
request-support -t TICKET_NUMBER


This will create a temporary session which the HPC Support team can use to troubleshoot your issue from your account.

You can cancel this session at any time with

request-support --cancel
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Still Need Help? The best way to report your issue or make a request is by submitting a ticket.