What modules should I load if I want to use the Intel Parallel Studio compilers and libraries on SeaWulf?

Intel Parallel Studio Compiler and Library Modules

The Intel Parallel Studio Developer Toolchain is available on SeaWulf2 and SeaWulf3. This toolchain includes components such as the Intel C, C++, and Fortran compilers, along with the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) and Intel MPI for parallel computing tasks, providing essential tools for optimizing and running high-performance computing applications.

Activating the Intel Stack

The latest Parallel Studio Developer Toolchain available on SeaWulf is Intel Parallel Studio 2020 - 20.0.2. To utilize this software stack, load the following modules:

module load intel/compiler/64/2020/20.0.2
module load intel/mkl/64/2020/20.0.2
module load intel/mpi/64/2020/20.0.2


Important Notes for Users:

  • Module Loading: It is important to load specific components like MKL and Intel MPI at runtime in your SLURM job script. This ensures seamless integration (See example).
  • Verifying Paths: After loading modules, use the which command to confirm correct path configurations. 


Intel Parallel Studio Compilers

Intel Parallel Studio 2020 (version 20.0.2) includes a suite of compilers tailored for high-performance computing and parallel programming.

  • C Compiler: icc
  • C++ Compiler: icpc
  • Fortran Compiler: ifort


Intel MPI Wrappers

Intel MPI provides specific wrappers tailored for different compilers, facilitating integration with both Intel and GCC compilers:

For Intel Compilers:

mpiicc - if using the Intel C compiler (icc)
mpiicpc - if using the Intel C++ compiler (icpc)
mpiifort - if using the Intel Fortran compiler (ifort)

For GCC Compilers:

mpicc - if using the GNU C Compiler (gcc)
mpicxx - if using the GNU C++ Compiler (g++)
mpifort - if using the GNU Fortran Compiler (gfortran)

Using the appropriate MPI wrapper corresponding to your compiler choice simplifies the compilation process and ensures compatibility with MPI libraries and optimizations specific to each compiler suite.


For comprehensive guidance on utilizing Intel MPI and maximizing performance with Intel's compilers and libraries, refer to the documentation available at: Intel MPI Library Documentation.

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