How can I check the status of a SLURM job?

Checking the Status of a SLURM Job


First, make sure you have loaded the slurm module:

module load slurm

After you've submitted a job, you can check the status of the job using the squeue command. Issuing this command alone will return the status of every job currently managed by the scheduler. As a result we recommend narrowing the results by user name or job number:

squeue --job <your_job_number>


squeue -u <your_user_name>

Or, for a full list of options available to the squeue command issue: 

man squeue

Additionally, you can view more verbose information about your job, by using the job id and running the following command:

Note: This only works for jobs that are in currently in queue.

scontrol show job <your_job_number>

To view general information about the history of previous jobs queued, you can run the following command:

sacct -u <your_user_name>


For more information on SLURM and its commands, please also see the official documentation.

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